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Dream and Third Eye Protection Workin’ - Candle Service

Dream and Third Eye Protection Workin’ - Candle Service

Regular price $125.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $125.00 USD
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This is for protection of dreams and also to help enhance dreaming and remembering them. Also for my people that are experiencing crazy dreams and feel things come into their reality, this will help keep you protected and balance. Many of you have a gift of sight in your sleep or REM sleep where you receive messages from Spirit and it is very important to retain that information for whatever you need it for on your journey!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tiffany Skinner
Definitely not what I expected

I was guided by ancestors to get this service, didn't think it would make a difference since nothing has helped. My mind has been foggy for years, been feeling stuck like someone is messing with my abilities. Sure enough after the service I'm remembering my dreams for once, vivid images are popping up so clear now, finally found out who was behind the black magic being put on me & energy syphoning after 6 whole years! So definitely life changing & very effective. Super grateful I purchased this🩷